President's Column - June 2020
Kia ora koutou
Writing your first column as President might feel a bit daunting, but I’m actually feeling pretty grateful and excited as well.
President's Report 2020
By Website Administrator , | May 22, 2020 at 12:23 PM
The 2020 ILANZ AGM took place via zoom on Friday, 22 May.
When looking back over the past 8 months, we realised just how busy it's been - so we thought we would share Sian Wingate's Presidents Report.
NZLS National Mentoring Programme - Need a hand? Or got one to spare?
By Website Administrator , | May 29, 2020 at 2:57 AM
In mid-May, the New Zealand Law Society | Te Kāhui Ture o Aotearoa launched its National Mentoring Programme to provide professional support and guidance to lawyers as they navigate fast-paced changes.
A quick chat with...
By Website Administrator , | May 29, 2020 at 3:10 AM
Sian Atkinson, Senior Legal Advisor, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa & ILANZ Committee member
1) How long have you been on the ILANZ Committee for?
Since 22 May 2020.
Open Minds webinars - difficult discussions & changing culture
By Website Administrator , | May 29, 2020 at 3:22 AM
From: Mental Health Foundation
Talking about mental health at work is relevant because we spend so much of our lives there! We bring our whole selves to work and sometimes we go through hard times and need extra support.
The Corporate Counsel Show: Leading in-house teams through COVID-19
By Website Administrator , | May 29, 2020 at 3:24 AM
From: Lawyers Weekly
While the coronavirus pandemic has seen many businesses struggle to adapt to working from home, others have found the transition to be relatively smooth, without any compromise in quality of work or productivity.
ThinkLink: Moving on from the pandemic means letting go
By Website Administrator , | May 29, 2020 at 3:26 AM
From The Ethics Centre
Emerging from the turbulence of COVID-19, we have the opportunity to escape the hold of our past and use moral imagination to explore a better future.
President's Column Farewell - May 2020
By Sian| May 1, 2020 at 10:13 AM
Kia ora Koutou
This is a column about farewells and goodbyes.
Imagination and moral courage can change the world
By Website Administrator , | April 29, 2020 at 10:33 PM
From The Ethics Centre
COVID-19 has left many of us facing tough choices with exceptional ethical implications. Every time we make a decision, we change the world in some small way.
Forensic Focus on COVID-19
By James Weir, Partner - Forensics and Ian Tuke, Partner - Forensics, Deloitte| April 30, 2020 at 4:35 AM
Contract review and evaluation
Deloitte’s Forensic series around COVID-19’s impact on business and steps you can take to help respond and recover while mitigating potential fraud and financial crime risks
The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted business transactions and relationships in virtually all…