NZ Law Society Practising Well Resources
Following on from Mental Health Awareness Week last week, we thought it was timely to share the NZ Law Society Practising well resources once again:
Legal Community Counselling Service - The Law Society is trialing a free and confidential professional counselling service. This is available to anyone in a legal workplace – lawyers and non-lawyers. The service is available every day of the year and every hour of the day. Click here for more information.
The Law Care phone line - 0800 0800 28 - was established in April to provide people in the legal community with a means of discussing sensitive matters such as workplace harassment and the options and support they can access.
Wellbeing 360 - Vitality works provides NZ lawyers with free access to its Wellbeing360® online health assessment. Use the registration code lawsociety2019 when prompted. By doing this assessment, you will receive a health score out of 100, a confidential report about your own health status and tips and suggestions to point you in a healthy direction for the future. Click here for more information.
For well being resources and information about Mental Health Awareness Week, visit the mental health Foundation website: